Mac Format 1996 April
MacFormat CD Edition MF36 (April 1996).iso
Shareware City
Tools Plus - GUI⁄Event libs
Tools Plus 2.6.1a Evaluat'n Kit
Order Form
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Tools Plus 2.6.1a Order Form
Name: __________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________
Country: _______________
Postal Code: ___________
Telephone: (____) _____-_______
Where can we reach you if we need clarification
with this form?
Where did you learn about Tools Plus? ____________________________
Tools Plus Libraries for... Qty US$ CDN$ Total
--------------------------------- --- ---- ---- -------
Symantec Compilers:
Symantec/THINK C/C++ ___ 149 199 _______
THINK Pascal ___ 149 199 _______
Symantec/THINK C/C++ and Pascal ___ 199 265 _______
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Bronze:
C/C++ and Pascal (68K) ___ 199 265 _______
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Gold:
C/C++ and Pascal (68K and PPC) ___ 249 332 _______
Tools Plus Academic* for...
Symantec/THINK C/C++ ___ 99 132 _______
THINK Pascal ___ 99 132 _______
CodeWarrior Gold ___ 99 132 _______
Shipping: US & Canadian Orders 10 10 _______
Outside North America 15 _______
Canadian Orders: 7% GST _______
Ontario Orders: 8% PST _______
TOTAL ([ ] US$ or [ ] CDN$): $_______
*Orders for Tools Plus Academic must be accompanied by
proof of academia. See "Ordering Information" document.
Payment method (check one only):
[ ] Check (US and Canadian residents only), bank draft, or
money order made payable to "Water's Edge Software."
Please clearly indicate "US Dollars" or "Canadian Dollars."
[ ] VISA (fill in the credit card information below)
[ ] American Express (fill in the credit card info below)
Credit Card Number:__________________________
Expiration Date:____/____
Card Holder's Name:__________________________
Notifications and Free Software Updates:
Preferred method of receiving news from Water's Edge Software:
[ ] Email:_____________________________ (check one only)
[ ] Letter by conventional mail
Preferred method of receiving free software updates (files):
[ ] Email:_____________________________ (check one only)
[ ] Disk by conventional mail
* Mail this form to:
Water's Edge Software
2441 Lakeshore Road West
Box 70022
Oakville, Ontario
Canada, L6L 6M9
* Credit card orders can be made by electronic mail. Copy this
information and send it to any of the following accounts:
Internet: WatersEdge@eWorld.com (preferred)
eWorld: WatersEdge
CompuServe: 73424,2507
* 24-hour telephone ordering is available for credit card holders.
Please call the number below and provide all the information
requested in this form:
(416) 219-5628
* Credit card orders can be faxed to: (905) 847-1638